I planned to capture the buds of my pear tree in front of the Columbus sky and was pleasantly surprised to see a bumble bee gathering pollen. Using the action setting I catch a few good photos of this guy/girl hard at work. Enjoy!
The vein of my existence, inclement weather commuting in what I affectionately call the "C-bus". As far as winter driving goes, I hail from Cleveland where I learned to drive in a 1975 Monte Carlo in January. So I do know how to drive in this weather. Heck, I only drive rear-wheel drive cars in the snow, and quite well I might add. That said, the folks here in Columbus have NO CLUE how to negotiate wet, snowy or cold roads. I was able to get the pics with my Blackberry, SAFELY, because we were only traveling at a top speed of 30MPH.
The experts warned us of the coming storm, and it arrived. Photos 1, 2 & 3 were taken around 5:30pm once I got home from work today. Photos 4, 5 & 6 were captured with my Blackberry at 1:30 this afternoon at work. Hilliard is about 20 miles north of my home here in Obetz. North Columbus is definitely getting hit a little harder.
We had the first snow of this winter season on Friday night. It was so beautiful as we drove through Obetz on our way home, I had to go back and take some photos. Enjoy!
I was able to capture the last of my tea rose buds. The weather in Columbus is getting colder and it looks like we may get some snow soon. I used my Olympus on the nature macro setting.